Consolidated Press is Committed to Sustainability
Practices to Promote a Healthier Planet

FSC® Certification
Consolidated Press is proud to hold Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC-C013252) Chain-of-Custody certification. We can place the FSC logo onto our printed products that use FSC certified papers, knowing that the path in which these products traveled from forest to press has been responsibly managed.

LED Lighting
Throughout our facility, we have begun to switch out older energy hog incandescent and fluorescent lights. In their places, we’ve added healthier, safer and more energy efficient LED lighting fixtures or bulbs.

Waste reduction and recovery is one of the major tenets of any printing facility. In our administrative offices, this includes not only paper but also toner and computer hardware components. From our production facilities, paper from our presses, bindery waste, customer proofs, metal press plates, residual inks, boxes and other corrugated materials. On average, Consolidated Press recycles 2,700 tons of paper and cardboard annually.

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Prepress & Production
- Operate a 100% computer to plate workflow system eliminating the need for additional film and film chemistry products that are potentially hazardous to the environment
- Offer customers the option of electronic proof delivery which reduces carbon emissions
- Use of soy-based inks that are easier to recycle and recover as opposed to petroleum-based inks
- Majority of presses ran inhouse can print both sides of a sheet simultaneous lowering energy consumption